The spinal cord carries information between the brain and the body via the central nervous system. A sudden blow to the spinal cord can result in serious injury. If the spinal cord is injured, the location of the injury on the spine and the severity of the injury will establish which parts of the victim’s body movement or sensations will be changed or lost.
The leading cause of spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle accidents. Falls, violent acts, recreational accidents, and accidents at the workplace are other causes of spinal cord injuries. If you have a spinal injury due to the negligence or malicious act of another person or company, contact a specialist in spinal injury litigation to handle your lawsuit.
At Purvis Thomson, LLP, our attorneys have gained substantial settlements for our clients. There are laws that apply to spinal cord injuries, which we will explain so you understand all your options.
Spinal cord injuries, or even the possibility of one, require immediate medical attention to avoid further damage to the spinal cord. Breathing problems are frequently an indication of a severe spinal cord injury.
A severe spinal cord injury involves total loss of movement and sensation below the injury location. Oftentimes this includes paralysis. A partial spinal cord injury is one in which there is partial movement or sensation below the injury location. Both complete and partial spinal cord injuries are catastrophic to the patient and their families.
In either type of spinal cord injury, the patient will require extensive rehabilitation, therapy, and perhaps long-term care. If the injury was caused by an accident, fall or negligence of someone, you have the legal right to pursue a lawsuit.
At Purvis Thomson, LLP, our team of trial lawyers has fought to obtain maximum compensation for spinal cord injury victims throughout Colorado. We have a strong record of success, with many significant verdicts and settlements to our credit.
We recognize that many people, especially those who have sustained a serious injury, may not be able to cover the substantial costs associated with bringing a lawsuit. We are contingency fee attorneys, which means that we only collect a fee if we successfully recover compensation for you.
Purvis Thomson, LLP, has attorneys with the knowledge, experience and motivation to fight for your legal rights, so you can concentrate on getting better. We can explain the legal aspects, the procedures that may be involved and at the appropriate time negotiate a settlement on your behalf. No settlement is ever made without your full consent.
Contact our Denver spinal cord injury lawyers at 303-442-3366 or send us an email for a free consultation.