Establishing government liability requires highly sophisticated legal representation and experienced attorneys. Federal and state laws present significant and procedural obstacles to any lawsuit against a government entity.
Our attorneys at Purvis Thomson, LLP, are experienced in representing clients for injuries sustained as a result of government negligence or misconduct.
We can help you recover against a municipality, city, state or the federal government. We handle cases ranging from serious injuries resulting from police excessive force and other misconduct to injuries sustained as a result of a failure to repair signs, roads or facilities.
Different Requirements In Governmental Liability Suits
Contact us if you have questions regarding any of the following:
Suits against city and state
Police misconduct
Failure to maintain signs
Failure to maintain buildings and other facilities
Many cases against the government require a notice of claim within 180 days of an injury. It is crucial that you contact a government liability attorney who can file that notice as soon as possible.
For a free consultation with one of our lawyers, please call 303-442-3366 or email us online. We have offices in Denver and Boulder, Colorado.